
Bogus Basin Hillclimb 2009

Today was the annual Boise “world” championships, otherwise known as the Bogus Basin Hill Climb. After last week’s tough 1,000 Warriors race I figured Bogus

Bogus…Season Finale?

I finally did the Bogus Basin Hill Climb after skipping the past two years due to bad air quality (and lack of fitness, but let’s

Mount Harrison Hill Climb

With 4,500 feet of climbing in 16 miles, Mt Harrison Hill Climb is tougher than Bogus. Not only that, but the steepest parts come in

Bogus Basin Hillclimb

Good thing I’m in the middle of my “off-season” as the smoke was thick for the 2007 Bogus Basin Hillclimb. I’ve been taking the last

Bogus Basin Hillclimb

The annual end of the season race, the Bogus Basin Hillclimb. This is a big event because a lot of the weekend warriors come out

Bogus Basin Hill Climb

The Bogus Basin Hill Climb is the final event of the year in Boise. It attracts a lot of racers and recreational cyclists. Since it