America’s Dairyland Cannondale

Today I finished building up Heather’s team bike. She got a sweet Cannondale Six13 to race on this year. It has a custom paint job with cow splotches and everything. It even has a painting of cows grazing in a field on the top tube! Pretty cool.

Just out of curiosity I put on our super-light trick wheels and rode it down to Reed Cycle to weigh it. It is 15.75 pounds, just a ¼-pound heavier than the Trek. Probably mostly due to the saddle, seatpost and brake calipers. But still a respectable weight. I also noticed it’s even stiffer than the Trek, which is good for sprints, but it definitely transmits more road shock. The geometry is also quicker, definitely a great bike for criteriums. Heather should be making her maiden voyage on it in the next couple of days. Hopefully, she’ll like it. You gotta love the pink handlebar tape!