
Img_6407Yesterday was a long travel day. Heather and I were flying standby and I guess there was an America West flight that was canceled which pushed a lot of customers onto the Delta flight we were supposed to take out of Milwaukee. We ended up having to split up and on the way down to Atlanta, where we hung out until the evening for the non-stop to Boise which had plenty of seats. The bad part was that we ended up sitting in an airport most of the day, but the good part was that we got First Class on the longest leg of the trip back to Boise.

Img_6405So today I caught up on all the housework while Heather headed off to work. I was happy to find a bunch of ripe cherry tomatoes ready for the picking. Our tomato plants are now about 5 feet tall and still growing. There are tons of green tomatoes on all the vines so very shortly I think we’ll be overwhelmed. The zucchini are also growing like weeds as well as the butternut squash. Should be a good harvest this season!